
Do you hate cleaning?  Is your dungeons loaded with goblins and ghouls?

Hire Queen Amira.  She out here ready to clean up any kingdom...for the right price.

Enter and Capture 9 different enemies with power ups.

Future Patches:

90+ Randomized Dungeons

New Vacuums and Power-ups

Bosses and Artifacts


  • Windows x32
  • Windows x64
  • MacOs
  • Coming Soon:  Steam, iOS, Android

Interested in getting access to more content?  Join our Kickstarter


Arrow Keys/Left Joystick -->Movement

Mouse/Right Joystick-->Aim

LMB/Right Trigger-->Attack

RMB/Left Trigger-->Special Attack

Mouse Wheel/Left and Right Bumper -->Mode Switch

Controller buttons-->Mode Switch

Development log

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